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USACE Castle
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Planning Ahead

2022: Volume 2022

  • Issue 1 (February)
    This issue of Planning Ahead features a message to the community from Mr. Eric Bush (Chief, Planning & Policy Division) providing an update to the PCoP about workload increases and priorities; highlights the FY2020 National Planning Award winners; provides a look into the Headquarters Emergency Supplemental Program and what planners need to know; and highlights the FPMS and PAS programs. In the PCoP Q&A, we answer the question: "What is the Planning Workforce Development Committee, and what kind of work does the committee do?"
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  • Issue 2 (June)
    This issue of Planning Ahead features a message to the community from Mr. Eric Bush (Chief, Planning & Policy Division) recognizing the important work being done across the USACE Planning organization; highlights the FY2019 and 2020 Noel Clay Planning Champion and Planning Lifetime Achievement National Planning Award winners; provides an overview of the South Atlantic Coastal Study; and highlights the Coastal Working Group. In the PCoP Q&A, we answer the question: "How is the Planning Community of Practice implementing ASA(CW) Connor's guidance on the implementation of environmental justice and the Administration's Justice40 initiative? What do I need to know in the field?"
    FINAL sngl - Print Friendly Version

  • Issue 3 (November)
    This issue of Planning Ahead features a message to the community from Ms. Susan Layton (PCoP Deputy) recognizing the accomplishments of the USACE Planning Community; highlights the Coastal Texas Project for its FY21 Outstanding Planning Achievement Award; and provides an overview of the Planning Associates Program and the new FRM Community of Practice. In the PCoP Q&A, we answer the question: "What are Water Resources Certified Planners and how can they help ongoing studies?"
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